当前位置: 风水网 〉中华民俗祝福语中秋节祝福语


2017-06-23 14:47:35 作者:azg168 风水网

  在中秋节里,大家都会给身边的人都带来了一个没好的祝福哟,而对于这点中,都会有着哪些的祝福语多是比较好听的,而对于给一些外国友人的祝福语大家是否也会写吗?“The moon reflects the light from the sun, and it also reflects the love from me.”这种英文的祝福语也是可以的。一起来看看美满中秋情,中秋节祝福语英文吧。




  The moon reflects the light from the sun, and it also reflects the love from me.


  I have a great gift for you: close your eyes and raise your head. Look, we are watching the same beautiful moon.


  The homesick feeling is stronger than ever. My heart will always be with you no matter where I am.


  I hope every day is a Mooncake Day, not for having holidays, just because I want to be with you – my family forever and ever.


  Can you see the big and full moon? It’s like our family, bigger and bigger, and full of happiness.



  I wish your wallet could be as full as the moon.


  It’s hot, because the Mooncake Festival with my family makes my heart very very very warm. The important things should be said three times.


  Now you don’t need any light, because the moon will delight you soon.



  Moon cakes for you with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future.


  Wish you a perfect life just like the fullest moon in the Mooncake Festival.


  I wish that your career and life could be like the full moon, bright and perfect.



